As a specialist for general internal medicine (FMH) and pharmaceutical medicine (FMH) with long-standing experience, I provide the entire range of services from diagnosis to therapy. You will benefit from my expertise in treatment, prevention, and holistic anti-ageing, as well as my specialisation in complementary medical procedures such as orthomolecular medicine, neural therapy, and mesotherapy.

We speak German, English, French, Italian, Turkish, Kurdish, Albanian.


Open vacancies

Discover our current vacancies and seize the opportunity to become part of our dedicated and competent team and develop your medical skills.

To the vacancies
Empfangsbereich der Praxis Dr. Wagener

"I advise my patients individually and in detail according to their needs and goals and create an optimal treatment plan."

Dr. med. Michael Wagener

Empfangsbereich der Praxis Dr. Wagener
Infusionszentrum der Praxis Dr. Wagener
Stuhl und Teestation im Infusionszimmer der Praxis Dr. Wagener
Wartezimmer der Praxis Dr. Wagener
Ästhetikzimmer der Praxis Dr. Wagener

We look forward to your visit!

Our new clinic rooms in Haus Dorenbach in Binningen await you with bright, inviting treatment rooms and first-class equipment as well as state-of-the-art devices.