Injection lipolysis – "fat melting" injections
Turn problem zones into favourite spots: We shrink fat pads at various parts of the body. With injection lipolysis – also known as fat melting injections – for the targeted removal of fat pads, body contours can be tightened and modelled, especially on the hips, waist, stomach or thighs.
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For visible, long-term results
The injections are carried out directly into the affected areas using very fine needles, which stimulates the melting of the fat cells. The fat is broken down by the body naturally and permanently. The body circumference of this region decreases measurably with each application, whereby the skin over the injected region is additionally smoothed and tightened.
Injection lipolysis can also be used to reduce cellulite (cellulitis), usually in combination with mesotherapy.
What we offer:
- Injection lipolysis
Areas of application
Different regions can be treated with injection lipolysis.
Treatable regions of the body:
- Saddlebags
- Thigh
- Lower buttock/transition to thigh
- “Love handles” for men
- Hips
- Upper and lower abdomen
- Shoulder area
- Upper arms
- Knee
- Back areas
- Lipomas
Additional information:
Treatable regions of the face:
- Double chin
- Cheeks
- Neck
Types of treatment
Reduction of cellulite
In addition, we offer a special cellulite therapy which improves lymph drainage and the supply of oxygen to the affected tissue over the long term. The cellulite treatment is rounded off by a nutritional analysis with corresponding recommendations.
Cellulite is a disorder of the connective tissue structure that occurs predominantly in women. Almost 90% of all women suffer from this phenomenon, which becomes more and more visible with increasing age. Environmental, nutritional and movement factors also contribute to its appearance. Cellulite presents itself in different degrees. Treatment is carried out according to a special protocol that combines the methods of injection lipolysis and mesotherapy.
Information on treatment
3-level therapy
In our clinic, we apply the “3-level therapy”. Injections are given at three different depths to optimise the skin’s appearance:
Level 1:
Injection lipolysis at a depth of 8–10 mm
Level 2:
Injection lipolysis at a depth of 4–6 mm
Level 3:
Mesotherapy at a depth of 1 mm
We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information on request.
The injections at level 1 dissolve the deeper fat deposits and reduce the dents that are formed in the connective tissue by fat that is pushed upwards.
The injections at level 2 dissolve the fat cells that have already penetrated the connective tissue. At the same time, the layer directly beneath the skin is tightened.
The injections on level 3 promote blood circulation and tighten the top layer of skin.