Liver detoxification: what it benefits and when it is necessary
The words “life” and “liver” are not connected by chance. If the liver no longer functions properly, life can suffer. That’s why it’s important to both take care of a healthy liver and provide liver detoxification if the organ has already been damaged.

In a modern civilization, man is not only exposed to numerous positive effects, but also to many pollutants or harmful habits. The so-called diseases of civilization paint a corresponding picture of the dangers with which man is confronted. The liver can be permanently disturbed by wrong food, drink and inhalation of harmful substances..
You probably think of the topic of liver detoxification mainly pollutants. However, much more common are the everyday stresses on the organ caused by fatty foods or or even emotional stress (such as anger or sadness). Yes, even our emotions can stress organs: Who has never had a “louse run over his liver”? And who would not like to speak “fresh and free from the liver”.
The liver and its functions
The liver acts as a “hub” in metabolism. Substances that have entered the bloodstream from the intestines enter the liver cells through the portal vein. There they are broken down, metabolized, transformed or stored as needed. Fat, sugar, amino acids and vitamins are stored in the liver cells. Sugar is stored as glycogen and released into the blood as glucose, i.e. dextrose, as soon as the blood sugar level drops. In addition, sugar is processed into fat in the liver and proteins are converted into sugar. Hormones can also be filtered by the liver.
From the protein building blocks, necessary proteins are formed in the liver, such as the clotting factors that protect us from too much blood loss in case of injury. It influences inflammatory processes and forms transport proteins for fats and hormones in the blood. The majority of cholesterol is produced in the liver and used to make bile. The liver, when healthy, produces one liter of bile per day, which digest the fats in food.
By far the best known may be the detoxification function. In metabolism, toxic substances are formed again and again, which our liver transforms into harmless substances and excreted from the body. Toxic ammonia thus becomes harmless urea. Alcohol is also rendered harmless by the liver. Per hour, the organ can break down about 1 gram of alcohol per 10 kg of body weight. The liver converts alcohol into fat in the final effect – so also the so-called beer belly arises with too much alcohol consumption..
Poisoning the body
Our body is constantly confronted with different toxins. That’s why it needs the liver, which can turn toxic into non-toxic. Typical challenges for the liver include unhealthy food, nicotine or coffee, as well as chemicals and pesticides. Drugs or the applications during chemotherapy are also worth mentioning in this context. While we can control certain factors such as food intake to a certain extent ourselves, others are beyond our control – for example, our environment or the necessary treatment of diseases..
If the liver is regularly exposed to too much stress, its health declines in the long term and it becomes increasingly difficult for it to perform its tasks. At the latest then a liver detoxification may be necessary, as we offer it in the form of a special infusion therapy. Since our liver is a decidedly robust organ, it can regenerate surprisingly quickly with the necessary support.
Liver detoxification and cleansing foods
In connection with detoxification, it is recommended to follow a twofold approach. On the one hand, during the detoxification phase, emphasis is placed on certain foods, such as olive oil, grapefruit juice and magnesium sulfate. On the other hand, there is an adjustment of the entire diet even beyond the detoxification cure. As particularly beneficial are known:
- lemons
- green tea (not in excess)
- turmeric
- cabbage
- avocado
- broccoli
All good foods, however, help only to a limited extent if the body continues to deal with harmful substances. Therefore, people who want to support toxin elimination should avoid nicotine, alcohol or coffee for at least a month. These are the “usual suspects” in our modern world. With a liver detox, in a sense, create the opportunity for a fresh start. Take advantage of this opportunity and adjust your diet so that your body can benefit in the best possible way – for the wonderful prospect of staying healthy and vital in the long term..
Learn more now about our infusion therapy for liver detoxification or contact us to schedule aconsultation.